
Obesity & Salads

Obesity & Salads

Obesity When you used to be 30 years old you could expect another ten or twenty years to be alive. Now expect a thirty year-old woman that she stays fifty years in life, if she is healthy. According to a 2005 study published in The New England Journal of Medicine, this is the first generation […]

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Book ”The Earth Dieet” / Food Advise & Beauty

Book ”The Earth Dieet” / Food Advise & Beauty

This week Liana Werner-Gray sended me the book ‘’The Earth Diet’’ Your complete guide to living using earth’s natural ingredients. She wrote about more then 100 gluten free nutrient-dense recipes that provide proper nutrition, tips for shifting out of toxic habits, and lifestyle recipes for household and personal-careproducts to help you heal in all areas […]

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Healthy lifestyle

Healthy lifestyle

10 Tips for losing weight and living a healthy lifestyle: Stop if you’re full for 80%, eat enough but not till you’re really full. Chew enough before you eat your food, at least 15 times per bite Drink at least 2 Liters of water per day! The best is filtered water. Move!! At least 30 […]

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Get that summer body ! / Healthy summer BBQ

Get that summer body ! / Healthy summer BBQ

Get that summer body! How can you get that summer body when you have no membership at the gym? Go workout outside! In the garden, go to a park, to the beach, on the street, or at home. Your body is constantly challenged by inclines, declines, and obstacles. You’ll also improve your mood and boost […]

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Vijgen / Sauna / Biologische markt

Vijgen / Sauna / Biologische markt

Food Dried figs: are sweet and can be used as a healthy substitute for candy. The fig is healthy because of the high content of fiber, potassium, calcium, manganese and vitamin B6. They contain a huge amount of fiber and works well for the meat lacing in general. When you dried figs soaked in water […]

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Bloggers Health & Sport Event / Coconut drink / Omega 3-6-9

Bloggers Health & Sport Event / Coconut drink / Omega 3-6-9

Health Thursday I was invited for a Bloggers Health & Sport event. I had to do a TRX taining. This is a really good workout and you can do more then 200 different exercizes! TRX is an all-in-one motion that combines strength and flexibility. Truth is, you don’t have to use stacks of weights to […]

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Frecious Mild Detox

Frecious Mild Detox

Frecious ♥ Mild Detox “Give your body a health boost, it’s the best step towards a new lifestyle. ” I received a Mild Detox Frecious Box from Frecious.   Frecious is the first and only in 100% only slowjuicen. Not cold pressed (hydraulic) but cold pressed using a screw press, which results into maximum body-cell […]

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India & Vegetarian Food

India & Vegetarian Food

Last week I was in New-Delhi, capital of India. It’s such a big country: 75 times bigger then Holland! I was there for work and visiting my friends: the best combination ! It was 48 degrees! I used sun protection with factor 50 and often wore my cap. People are walking around with umbrellas as […]

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Wat te eten voor & na het sporten?

Wat te eten voor & na het sporten?

Wat doe je als je wilt afvallen, maar je van sporten honger krijgt? Wat eet je voor de training? En welke snack is perfect voor na het sporten? Niet alleen geeft voeding je meer energie om je workout door te komen, het voorkomt ook dat je lichaam energie aan je spieren onttrekt in de vorm […]

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50 Gezondste producten ooit!

50 Gezondste producten ooit!

Time Magazine heeft een lijst samengesteld met de 50 gezondste producten ooit ?! Begin de dag gezond & geniet van deze heerlijke producten ❤ – Amandelen – Ansjovis – Aubergine – Avocado – Bananen – Bieten – Bloemkool – Boerenkool – Bosbessen – Broccoli – Chiazaad – Eieren – Farro – Flaxzaad – Frambozen – […]

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