Bloggers Health & Sport Event / Coconut drink / Omega 3-6-9
Thursday I was invited for a Bloggers Health & Sport event. I had to do a TRX taining. This is a really good workout and you can do more then 200 different exercizes!
TRX is an all-in-one motion that combines strength and flexibility. Truth is, you don’t have to use stacks of weights to build muscle. Suspension training uses your own body weight from different angles to engage more muscle groups at the same time. I believe it’s also healthier to use your own weight with exercise. I felted some muscle pain the next day, so we worked on it! Let’s go for that summer body;)
Thanks to trainer Sascha Müller for the great workout and MT Fitness Amsterdam!
They give 1on1 training, group trainings and bootcamps.
‘’We are driven by passion for high quality training!’’
Drink ‘’Coco Juice Pure Organic coconut’’ from Dr.Antonio Martins
100% Coconut Juice. Organically grown from green coconuts on controlled organic farms.
A healthy fresh and clear juice! It’s not to sweet (like some) and it exactly taste like fresh coconut milk.
It’s expensive but it’s worth it!
A few positive things about coconut water:
- Picture perfect skin. It has the ability to clear up and subsequently tone the skin. It also moisturizes the skin from within if ingested orally and eliminates large amounts of oil. This explains why products such as facial creams, shampoos, conditioners and lotions that contain traces of coconut extract are more effective.
- Good in a weight loss program. The fat content in coconut water is extremely low.
- Boosts Hydration
- Healthy claims (Low-fat, no artificial additives or sweeteners. It’s cholesterol free, 99 per cent fat free, low in carbohydrates and naturally occurring sugars and has less than 100 kilojoules per 100ml)
- Rich in Nutrients: coconut water contains five essential electrolytes that are present in the human body. These include: calcium, magnesium, phosphorous, potassium and sodium
The fresher the coconut water, the better. Once exposed to air and warm temperatures, it rapidly ferments and loses its nutritional value.
Leave that sports drink and take coconut water;)!
‘’Omega 3-6-9’’
Omega 3-6-9 contains all the essential fatty acids which are important for health in general, and in particular for athletes.
Composition per dose of 2 softgels:
Omega 1050mg 369
Fish oil (omega 3) 350 mg
(18% EPA, 12% DHA)
Evening Primrose Oil 350 mg
Flaxseed oil 350mg
What does “essential”?
Essential fatty acids are fatty acids that your body can not make itself to your body while it does need for overall health, in order to function and perform.
Omega 369 contains the complete picture of essential fatty acids:
Omega 3 – these are the essential fats which are found in oily fish. Fish oil contains the fatty acids EPA and DHA. Flaxseed oil is a vegetable source of Omega 3. Omega 3 fatty acids (EPA and DHA) are good for the heart and helps to maintain normal blood trigylidengehalten.
Omega 6 – contains the fatty acids linoleic acid and GLA. These are the fats that we instance in Sunflower, Evening primrose and Borage oil find.
Omega 9 – is an unsaturated fatty acid from olive oil, among others. In Mediterranean cuisine olive oil is obviously much used.
We all know the essential fatty acids omega-3, also known as vitamin F, and that they are good for your body and your overall health. So it is always advised to eat once or twice a week fatty fish, the necessary supplement of omega-3 in your body.
Because I’m not eating fish once or twice a week I take this