Frecious Mild Detox
Frecious ♥ Mild Detox
“Give your body a health boost, it’s the best step towards a new lifestyle. ”
I received a Mild Detox Frecious Box from Frecious.
Frecious is the first and only in 100% only slowjuicen. Not cold pressed (hydraulic) but cold pressed using a screw press, which results into maximum body-cell absorption. The juices are not heated, so you keep all the good nutrients! This is really new in Holland.
The juices are also very delicious to drink. Because there are also sweet ingredients added in all juices, such as apple.
The advantage for me because I frequently travel is that I can take the juices with me and having a healthy lifestyle during travelling.
Every day you drink 3 juices, 1 aloe vera shot, 1 gember shot and 1 lemon shot. Those are good to drink, only with the gember shot I used a little bit honey for a better taste.
The juice that I drink now for example:
‘’ Good for the eyes’’ with Carrot.
Contains 6 vegetables, herbs & fruits: carrot, pineapple, apple, lime, goji berries and ginger.
– It’s gluten and lactose free and biological
– The bottle has a total of 78 calories
– Cleaning and packed with essential vitamins, enzymes and minerals.
– One bottle equals one kilogram of fruit & vegetables
Everything that makes your body happy!
All the juices have a function.
When I went to the gym I took a bottle of ” Heart Beat ”.
The Heartbeat is good for sports because it is full of beet juice. A powerful detoxifier and one of the richest dietary sources of substances that the supply of oxygen (hence energy!) And drain support waste. This allows you maximum energy through the day!
– In Good for Eyes are ingredients that help to keep your eyes in good condition.
They can give you advise if you have certain symptoms.
Besides the juices you can eat as well: but especially fruit & vegetables. You eat as much as possible pure and unprocessed food , and drinking water. And don’t forget to move! Go to the gym, running outside, swimming or something else.
You will receive a meal plan for the week as well, so you know what you can eat and drink.
You can also continue to follow this lifestyle after this treatment. Even if you only do the weekdays. It should be fun … and good things make life fun!
I often make myself healthy juices, but this is just a bit healthier and contain more nutrients. I was also in for something new!
I don’t like it to take vitamin pills. Why should I when there is a natural and better alternative?
Drinking these juices makes you ingest everything you need in a day.
I’m very excited, comfortable in my own skin and have plenty of energy, so I’m definitely going to repeat this!
A few times per year doing a Detox for a healthy boost and for the other days I order some juices. Then 1 juice per day is enough.
Frecious Mild Detox Box:
Goal: mild cleansing with healthy diet
Effect: restoring balance and extra energy
Who: beginners and / or if you want to make a step towards a healthier lifestyle
You will receive a meal plan for the week
Duration: 7 days
You get this Detox Box fresh frozen delivered at home. Put the juices immediately in your freezer, so make some place and keep them fresh right away.
The juices can be used for at least 6 months if you keep them in your freezer.
♥ Take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live in ♥